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German Embassy & Cultural
Pavilion in Amman  

Graduation Project 2018

cultural pavilion.jpg

"The introduction of another country, is the arrival to its embassy"


The idea of designing a German embassy in Amman came from a personal experience; being the first Embassy I ever visited, which grew the interest in me of how diplomatic representation of different countries could be expressed clearly in architecture. The German Embassy in Amman -which takes a place in a residential building- was in actual need for expansion to fit the growing numbers of visitors and tasks, specially after the Syrian crisis. The project aims to solve an existing functional need in a sustainable approach, as well as proposing a new way of presenting diplomatic architecture with a welcoming image, 


The new German Embassy in Amman proposal is designed to create a cultural landmark in Amman, which challenges the common image of embassy design as blocking secure buildings turning its back to the city, and improve it into a more encouraging and welcoming image. In addition to the primary functions of an embassy (chancellery, consulate, and Attaché), The new proposal offers a cultural exchange pavilion, public library, cultural exchange cafe, auditorium, and annual events plazas, all which are allocated "outside the security edge" in an open public space functions as a socio-cultural exchange hub.


Flythrough Project

Image Gallery

Drawings & Diagrams

concept development diagram
Entrances and Parking
Sustainability Systems

1. Atrium radiating solar energy to the building in winter 2. PV Cells and Solar Panels 3. Automated louvers 4. Light shelves/ overhangs on south elevation 5. Brick pattern screen 6. Rain water harvesting and reuse 7. Geothermal Heating

Site Plan

Located on 3 streets, main entrance takes a place on the upper one, and cultural pavilion on the lower one.

2nd Floor


1st Floor Plan

Embassy employees

GF Plan

Staff & Atrium garden

B1 Floor
B2 Plan
North and South Elevations
East Elevation
West  Elevation
2D Sections
3D Section CC


3D Section DD

Public Plaza 360 Panorama

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